Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hearing aid tune up

The HA specialist at Costco had been programming my device based on past audiograms from my doc.  He wanted to start from scratch with his own testing.   He did the same tests that my dr's office did plus a couple others that were specific for the device programming.  Then, using that data, the computer programmed my device automatically.   It worked well during my test run in the warehouse but performed horribly at work with the noisy environment I work in.  I think the noise suppression software was turning the volume down so much that I couldn't hear anything in the OR.  I worked three days and finally had to get in for a quick appt.
We set it all back to the previous settings but turned up the volume in both ears.  Now that I had a chance to sit in a watch what the programming was, I can say that my favorite is Noise/Traffic and the Focus 360.  I'm going to wear these for a while and really carefully consider any changes.
Back to the Doc in ten days. 
The Tinnitus is constant now.  I wonder if something is changing.  I remember the doc saying the tinnitus is a symptom of irritation.
Also need to clarify the effects of alcohol and caffeine.  read somewhere that they are bad for the ears. 

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