Was doing well and hopeful for a stable chronic disease state on the Lasix and Diamox. My hearing was subjectively better and had no more vertigo. Until two days ago.
At work, about 9:30, and had a sudden onset of dizziness. Mild at first but worsened to full spinning. Went and laid down in the locker room. By 10, the vomiting started. At that point, there was no going back. Any time I tried to get up, my head spun. I had to hold onto the walls. I had to call Annie to come pick me up. Went home and went to bed. Feel really bad to skip out on work too.
I know Dr Hegarty said to avoid the Meclizine but I let that one get out of control before I took it and couldn't get back.
This morning, I am having some mild dizziness. Took some Meclizine as soon as I felt the symptoms. I am visiting CA and can't be laid up for a day w a vertigo attack.
I need to ask the Dr about the sodium connection. The day before my last bad attack, I ate some Dominos pizza. Didn't know until later that it was packed with over 4 gms of Na. I wonder if there is that direct connection. And on the diet thing; I am finding that my new disease life is going to severely limit my foods. No pickles or olives. No fast food or mexican food. Just about everything that I eat now has to be fresh and homemade. Not a bad thing but adds a burden to my schedule. It's not always convenient to cook fresh and pack a lunch for work. No more stopping on the way home for a take out meal. This disease really sucks.
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