I had some bad diet choices at work last week. Pizza & baked treats. It was a party at work and I skipped my home made salad for the goodies. The next day, there was an open forum and the hospital provided more pizza. By Thursday, I was spinning. Standing next to someones desk and all of a sudden, the room shifted left, then right. I had some prodromal symptoms of low energy and no appetite. Thought I was getting a bug. Didn't put those symptoms together until I had the vertigo.
I had to sit down and conclude the meeting in a chair. Limped back to my desk and popped the Meclizine. I was tired the rest of the day. Flushing out with water and diuretics.
I was hoping to back off on the diuretics some but it doesn't seem like I will be able to. My insurance is active now and I have an appt with my PCP next week, then I will get a referral to ENT.